Offered: Journal - SOLD!

Jul 03, 2008 09:44

I'm totally stealing this idea from someone else, because I love it.

Offer: I will fill a journal (at least 100 pages) with full-length fic, drabbles, quotes, poetry, lyrics, recipes, collages, stickers, random observations about life and fandom, research on a particular subject, book reviews, links and recs, my terrible artwork - you name it, I'll put it in there. Any and all combinations of the fandoms listed below works - I can do all one fandom or mix them up for you!

I've been writing fic for almost ten years, and I've published a few original short stories as well. I may not write often, but when I do, I make sure it's quality. Some recent examples can be found in my journal, indexed here:

I'll write het, slash, femmeslash, gen, fluff, PWP, squickfic - anything you can come up with. Be aware, though, that I'm at my best with somewhat dark romance or erotica. Humor is not my forte, though I'm willing to give it a shot for this project. I may take some liberties with the prompts, but I promise to do my best to make you happy.

There are a very few, very extreme (as in I don't even want to list them here) kinks that I probably won't write. I seriously doubt anyone will run into trouble with this, but if you are really nervous about something, you can email me.

The fic I write for this journal will be just for you, and will not be posted in my LJ or anywhere else unless you would like it to be.


These are the characters I prefer to write in each fandom. For this project, I'm willing to go outside my comfort zone and write about other characters as well. Be aware that I may not have read or seen all the canon material in a particular fandom - for example, I haven't seen the fourth season of Lost yet. I'm willing to do crossovers.

Black Jewels series: Daemon, Jaenelle, Lucivar
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Buffy, Spike, Angel, Angelus, Giles
Chronicles of Narnia: Peter, Caspian, Susan
Death Note: L, Light
Fake News RPS: Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert
Final Fantasy XII: Basch, Balthier, Vaan, Ashe, Fran, Penelo
Firefly/Serenity: Mal, River, Simon, Jayne, Kaylee
Gentleman Bastard series: Locke, Jean
Harry Potter: Snape, Hermione, Sirius, Lucius, Fred, George
Heroes: Nathan, Peter, Claire, Sylar
Kushiel's Legacy: Phedre, Imriel, Melisandre, Mavros
Labyrinth: Jareth, Sarah
Lost: Jack, Sawyer, Sayid, Kate
Nightrunner: Seregil, Alec, Micum
Ouran High School Host Club: Tamaki, Kyouya, Hikaru, Kaoru, Haruhi
Peter Pan: Hook, Wendy
Pirates of the Caribbean: Jack, Will, Elizabeth, James, Hector
Smallville: Lex, Clark, Chloe
Star Trek: The Original Series: Kirk, Spock
Tales of Symphonia: Kratos, Zelos, Lloyd
Tennis RPS: Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal
TNA Wrestling: Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin, AJ Styles, Christian Cage, Kurt Angle, Christopher Daniels
Whose Line is it Anyway RPS: Ryan, Colin, Greg
WWE Wrestling: Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Batista, Chris Jericho
X-Men movieverse: Logan, Scott, Marie

I am JUST NOW STARTING to get into Bleach, Full Metal Alchemist, and Kyou Kara Maou. Since this project will take some time anyway, we might be able to work something out with these fandoms.

ETA: I've also started watching Supernatural (look at my fandoms grow!), and I'm totally willing to write season-one Wincest.

ETA again: I'll also try my hand at fic for the musical Elisabeth, with one warning: I still haven't been able to figure out the whole story. But I think I've got a good enough idea of Elisabeth and Death as characters to write pron for them. And I would LOVE to write crossovers between Death and anyone (literally - ANYONE!).

Delivery: I'll have the journal finished and in the mail by November 1, 2008.

Contact: F_horn_girl314 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Minimum bid: $15

tv: smallville, seller: sulwen, rps: tna wrestling, movie: x-men, anime or manga: ouran host club, anime or manga: bleach, book: nightrunner, tv: supernatural, game: final fantasy xii, sold, rps: whose line, anime or manga: fullmetal alchemist, tv: heroes, offered: journal, book: kushiel's dart, rps: fake news, game: tales of symphonia, anime or manga: death note, movie: chronicles of narnia, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, movie: labyrinth, book: other, rps: tennis, anime or manga: kyou kara maoh, tv: firefly, tv: star trek tos, book: harry potter, movie: pirates of the caribbean, rps: wwe wrestling

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