Offered: Music (FANMIX)

Jul 03, 2008 03:05

Since my icon offering was bought up in a quick round of Buy It Now, I thought I'd offer something else up!

Offer: One fanmix, including cover art, of your choosing. The mix will have no less than 10 songs and you'll probably get some icons out of the cover art as well. For higher bids (say, over 25 dollars) I'm willing to do little snapshot pictures for each song choice, highlighting the moments or tone that goes with them.

Fandoms include:

[Television] 4400; Andromeda; Angel the Series/Buffy the Vampire Slayer; Army Wives; Battlestar Galactica; Carnivale; Charmed; Criminal Minds; Dark Angel; Doctor Who; Farscape; Heroes; Hex; Jake 2.0; Medium; Moonlight; NCIS; Numb3rs; Painkiller Jane; Queer As Folk (US); Skins; Stargate: SG-1; Stargate: Atlantis; Supernatural; Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles; & Veronica Mars.

[Movies] 28 Weeks Later; Bourne Trilogy; Children of Dune; Cube; Descent (Rosario Dawson film); Doom; Ginger Snaps (trilogy); Invisible; Latter Days; Pitch Black/Chronicles of Riddick; Terminator series.

[Books (by author)] Ilona Andrews - Magic Bites & Magic Burns (Magic series) ; K.A. Applegate's Animorphs series; Patricia Briggs' Mercy Thompson series ; Jim Butcher's The Harry Dresden Files ; Tanya Huff's Blood series; Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series ; Stephanie Meyer's The Host ; Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club, Survivor, and/or Lullaby; Scott Westerfeld's The Midnighters series ; Scott Westerfeld's Peeps series.

CROSSOVER MIXES ARE ACCEPTABLE IF AGREED UPON BEFOREHAND (please comment to ask me before you bid!)

[Note: With books, I may use book cover art for the fanmix cover art but more likely I would stock photos of some sort. If you have a preference on design, I will be happy to make it to your specs.]

Given that my fandom list is truly mammoth PLEASE look under the following cut for the specifics of each fandom. In each there are characters and/or pairings and/or SEASONS I won't or can't make mixes for and it'd better if you know that before you bid than after. : )

If a fandom isn't listed that means I have no definite restrictions on it, but it might still be best to ask before you bid.


- No incest (except for Peter/Claire in Heroes).
- No adultery (so if a character's married or in a committed relationship in canon, I'm not going to do a non-canon ship for them, sorry!).
- No character or ship bashing.


Andromeda -- Nothing Dylan Hunt centric.
Battlestar Galactica -- Only the new series and through season two.
Doctor Who -- Only the new series and only through season two. I don't know Martha or Donna.
Heroes -- Only season one; nothing Mohinder Suresh, Eden, Angela Petrelli (or the Old Guard) or the Illusionist centric; no Sylar ships.
Hex -- Only through Cassie's arc. I stopped watching when she left the show.
Medium -- Only Dubois family or Lee Scanlon-centric.
NCIS -- If you'd like a slash pairing please contact me first.
Queer As Folk -- Only Brian Kinney and/or Justin Taylor centric.
Skins -- Is awesome! But no Tony/Sid please.
Stargate: SG-1 -- No season ten or movie mixes please. I've only finished through the ninth season.
Stargate: Atlanits -- No John/Rodney, no Carson slash, no Teyla/Rodney, no Teyla/Ronon (romantic, friendship is fine!), and no John/Elizabeth.
Supernatural -- Yes, the no incest rule even means Dean/Sam. And John/Dean. And John/Sam. The only exception is when John is not himself, as is the case at the end of S1.
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles -- I can combine this with the movies or keep it separate at your preference.
Veronica Mars -- Nothing Dick Casablancas centric.


Children of Dune -- I lied, there's a second exception to the incest rule. Leto II/Ghanima is okay.
Pitch Black/Chronicles of Riddick -- No Riddick/Frye. Underaged Riddick/Jack, however, IS okay.
Terminator series -- I can combine this with the television show or keep it separate at your preference.


Jim Butcher's The Harry Dresden Files -- Nothing Carpenter family (or any member of the Carpenter family) centric.
Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series -- I have no issue with non-canon Bella ships, whether that be Jacob/Bella or Mike/Bella. All other Cullen ships (Alice/Jasper, for example) fall under the no adultery rule. I thought I should clarify, given it's Twilight.

Samples: For a sample of one of my fanmixes you can see it here. As you can see, it is fairly in-depth, comes with lyric selections and reasonings/specific events attached to each song, and I'm willing to both upload the songs as zips and individually if you desire.

You additional samples of my fanmix cover art (done for a mix a friend made me), you can see it here and here.

Contact: AIM is preferable, especially to work on details, and it's Loupsdeguerre. Private messaging me or e-mailing me is also cool (e-mail in userinfo) or you can always comment here.

Delivery: One month after the fandom and theme, character, and/or pairing has been decided.

Minimum bid: $12.

Buy it now: $50.

Again, I encourage you to contact me before bidding if you have any questions or want to know more about my specific interests in any of these fandoms. Like everyone, I have characters and pairings I like more and less in every fandom and I'm probably missing some restrictions that I will only remember later.

tv: stargate: atlantis, movie: children of dune, tv: battlestar galactica, tv: supernatural, book: animorphs, movie: pitch black/chronicles of riddick, movie: invisible, tv: heroes, book: blood ties, book: chuck palahniuk misc, tv: jake 2.0, movie: latter days, tv: queer as folk, tv: painkiller jane, offered: music, tv: medium, movie: ginger snaps, tv: dark angel, tv: carnivale, tv: skins, tv: criminal minds, movie: thoughtcrimes, book: twilight, tv: farscape, movie: descent, book: mercy thompson, book: host, tv: ncis, tv: andromeda, tv: army wives, tv: charmed, movie: 28 weeks later, tv: numb3rs, book: midnighters, book: peeps, book: ilona andrews, movie: terminator, tv: doctor who, tv: hex, book: fight club, movie: doom, tv: moonlight, movie: bourne trilogy, book: dresden files, tv: veronica mars, tv: stargate: sg1, tv: 4400

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