Offered: Chapbook

Jul 03, 2008 02:49

About ten years ago I put out a chapbook of some of my poetry and sold nearly all 100 of the copies. Most of the poems in it were published in small press magazines or won minor awards and so are of some quality by someone's opinion other than mine, although I have rather mixed feelings about the work now. The mid-1990s were a long time ago.

I thought all the copies were gone, but I've recently unearthed a few more while straightening my apartment.

I've published fiction, poetry and personal essays porfessionally. My poetry has appeared in a range of small press magazines, the one you're most likely to have heard of is RATTLE.

OFFER: 1 autographed copy of my chapbook One Silly While


seller: rm, offered: original poetry, offered: poetry, offered: book

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