Offered: misc services, Offered: fanfic, Offered: Podfic

Jul 02, 2008 19:52

Offer: I will beta read/tear apart one (1) story of yours, fanfic or original fiction up to 100 pages double-spaced and of any rating. I do this for a professional author friend, and have essentially stopped doing this for fandom because I do not pull any punches. I am an English major, raised by a former English teacher. If you are new to writing or have a fragile ego, this is not the offer for you. I read for: Grammar, word usage, style, characterization, plot, thematic elements, punctuation, and spelling.

Fandoms I know well enough to do this: Harry Potter, Star Wars movies, Star Trek movies, Indiana Jones, Escaflowne, Supernatural, J2 (or related CWRPS), Farscape, Stargate: SG1 (I'm shaky on Atlantis facts but have people I can ask), CSI: Las Vegas, Chuck, Heroes, Highlander (Series and movies), Superman, Lord of the Rings movies... if there's something not listed, email me and ask. Please, no first drafts.

Contact: email me at obsessedone (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Delivery: If your story is short (20 pages or less), I can provide a live feedback session via Yahoo!IM or Google Chat within 1 week of receiving the file. For every 20 pages, please add 1 week to delivery time for written feedback. If your story is chaptered and you are eager for feedback, please provide a plot synopsis and I'll give you chapter by chapter feedback (not a good idea if you need pacing, flow or thematic help).

Minimum bid: $10

Offer: One piece of fan fiction, at least 1000 words. Available fandoms: Harry Potter, Supernatural, Heroes, Star Wars, J2, Stargate... well, see the above offer for a good listing. I do het, gen, slash, comedy, smut, romance, drama, pwp, angst, or pretty much anything else, and can write to any story rating. You provide the rating preference (if any), the fandom, the pairing (if any), and the prompt. Please, no requests for non-con, chan, blood play, water sports, scat, necrophilia, paedophilia. If you really, really want one of those, email me and we'll discuss it.

Contact: email me at obsessedone (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Delivery: by September 1, unless we agree otherwise (like if it's turning into an epic novel because your idea is just that good)

Minimum bid: $5

Offer: Podfic. I will turn one of your stories into an audiobook. Ideally it should be in a fandom I'm familiar with, but I'm flexible and willing to branch out or take original work to read. I have excellent diction and everything. No restrictions on content so long as it is your work I'm recording, or the original author gives verifiable permission to have their story recorded. Unless it's public domain, I'm not going to budge on this.

Contact: email me at obsessedone (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Delivery: 1 week for every 10,000 words of fic. I'll try for faster, but since I've got other offers up, I'm going to go for the conservative.

Minimum bid: $5

tv: chuck, tv: angel, seller: obsessed1, tv: farscape, tv: stargate: atlantis, rpf: j2, tv: supernatural, movie: misc, movie: harry potter, tv: heroes, tv: dexter, offered: podfic, tv: queer as folk, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, movie: lord of the rings, offered: beta, tv: highlander, tv: doctor who, tv: csi las vegas, tv: firefly, movie: star wars, book: harry potter, tv: stargate: sg1, rpf: cwrps, offered: fanfic, rpf: lotr, tv: torchwood

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