Offer: I will write fanfic, to spec, of at least 1000 words in the Doctor Who fandom: any television or Big Finish continuity (not the EDAs, sorry; I can do a handful of PDAs, ask if that's what you want). If I haven't seen or heard necessary episodes to write what you want, I'll do the research. Any pairing or gen, my only limits are incest, adultery, and rape/non-con; will write any rating. You can give me as much or as little direction as you want, re: plot, characters, rating, style, etc.
99% of my DW fic can be found
here, if you want an idea of what I usually do; I'm happy to work outside my normal style, however. My specialties, for reference, are shortfic and a willingness to write almost any pairing, no matter how strange.
Contact: alivii at gmail dot com
Delivery: By October 31st.
Minimum bid: $5.
Buy It Now: $30.