Offer: I will write fanfic of no less than 2000 words in the following fandoms: Harry Potter, Sailor Moon, Charmed, Okane ga Nai, Queer As Folk, and Sports RPF (baseball, basketball, and American football are my normal domains in this fandom, but we can negotiate for other sports if needed). We can also negotiate for other fandoms if I'm familiar with them, especially movie type fandoms.
I pretty much am unsquickable in terms of kinks and pairings, however, there are some things I'm best not writing such as humorous fics. My fics are
here if you wish to become familiar with how I write. I reserve the right to post the fic to my site and InsaneJournal with your name as the buyer and you may do the same, crediting me as the writer.
Contact: bridgetmkennitt [at] insanejournal [dot] com
Delivery: By November 1, 2008
Minimum bid: $10
Buy It Now: $75