Offer: I will write a fanfic of no less than 1000 2,000 words in the following fandoms:
Avatar: The Last Airbender (Zuko/Aang, Zuko/Jin, Jet/Zuko, Jet/Aang, Sokka/Yue, Aang/Katara, Sokka/Aang, Zuko/Aang/Katara with Aang planted firmly in the middle)
Final Fantasy VIII (any combination of Squall, Zell, Seifer, Selphie, Irvine, Quistis, and Rinoa)
Final Fantasy XII (Balthier/Vaan, Basch/Vaan, Balthier/Vaan/Basch, Fran/Penelo, gen)
Princess Princess (Yuujiro/Tooru, Mikoto/Megumi, gen) ~ I am familiar only with the anime
GetBackers (Ban/Ginji, Akabane/Ginji, Ban/Ginji/Akabane, gen) ~ I am familiar only with the first season of the anime
I will write slash, femmeslash, het, or gen. Ratings may go from G to NC-17. I'm open to light kinks but can't write the following: hardcore non-con, human excrement, fisting, or mpreg. I specialize in fluff and romance (and pr0n!) but I am capable of darker fiction. I prefer the prompts you give be general, since I can never be certain which direction the story may take me (but if you ask for smut, you'll get smut; if you ask for angst, you'll get angst).
Examples of my writing can be found in my
IJ tag list.
Contact: nanthimus (at)
Delivery: In your inbox no later than November 1st.
Minimum Bid: $5
Buy it Now: N/A