Offered: Fanfic, Editing

Jul 01, 2008 19:57

Offer: I will write you three (3) fanfics of no fewer than 500 words in Harry Potter, Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemist, Yu-Gi-Oh or an original universe tailored to your specifications. I specialise in poetic prose, character studies, gen-fic and slash (or yaoi), but I am willing to write just about anything short of explicit smut (mostly because I don't write smut well enough to do the bidder's request justice). The winner can give me as many or as few details as they like - I will just as happily write for specific prompts as for a general fandom or character preference.

An example of my work is: Here (Death Note, mild slash).

Contact: lelekia [at] gmail [dot] com

Delivery: By email, delivered either all together or one at a time, as the winner prefers. All three will be completed no later than 1 September. I reserve the right to post these fics to my personal archive (dedicated to the auction and the bidder) one month after completion.

Minimum Bid: $5.00

Buy it Now: $15.00


Offer: I will do a full copyedit of one fanfic or piece of original fiction, up to 50,000 words. I edit professionally, with over two years of experience, and I have also been a beta reader in the past.

Contact: lelekia [at] gmail [dot] com

Delivery: By email, to be completed and sent back with both in-text notes/corrections and an overall commentary at the end no more than two weeks after I receive the document.

Minimum Bid: $15.00

Buy it Now: $40.00

anime or manga: death note, anime or manga: yu-gi-oh, other: original fiction, anime or manga: fullmetal alchemist, seller: lelek, book: harry potter, offered: fanfic, offered: editing

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