Offered: Fanfic

Jul 01, 2008 17:52

Offer: I will write 10 ficlets with a minimum of 500 words each in the Harry Potter fandom. These ficlets can be the same pairing or ten different pairings/characters. I'm open to discussing options with the winning bidder, who will provide me with a pairing/character and a prompt. I'll write gen/het/slash/femmeslash and ratings from Any Age to Adult. I primarily write Hermione fic, but I'm open to considering other pairings/characters. Please feel free to check with me before bidding to confirm that I'll be able to write a pairing/character.

You can browse through my fics here. My likes/dislikes etc. are here. I definitely won't write underage sex, incest, infidelity, dub-con or rape. Romance and happy endings are my specialty. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me before bidding. I reserve the right to post the resulting stories on my journal and at the archives of my choice, though I will e-mail you the stories when they are complete before posting anywhere. I would ask that you please not post the stories without my permission, although linking to the stories is just fine.

Contact info: Through this post or via email inell13 at gmail dot com

Delivery: No later than November 1, 2008.

Minimum Bid: $10.00

book: harry potter, seller: inell, offered: fanfic

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