Offered: Fanfic

Jul 01, 2008 15:24

Offer: I will write one PWP fic of no less than 1000 (and quite possibly more) words in the following fandoms: Stargate: Atlantis (John/Rodney, Rodney/Teyla, John/Ronon or OT4) or SGA RPS (Joe/David, Joe/Jason, Joe/David/Jason, with no wife/girlfriend bashing or cheating) to a prompt of your choosing. The fic will be NC-17 and while any plot that happens will be a bonus, I will do everything I can to keep everyone in character. I'm comfortable with almost all kinks (well, with the usual exception of scat) including edgeplay (knives, guns, dub-con and so on), but I'm also perfectly willing to write non-kinky or even romantic porn.

My fic is at Chez Rozilla if you want to get an idea of what I write. There's very little I won't write, but if you happen to want one of those things, we may have to negotiate. I reserve the right to post the story--with credit to you, the buyer--to my own journal and website, and you are welcome to do the same--with credit to me, the writer.

Contact: telesilla [at] gmail [dot] com

Delivery: I will have your story written by November 30, 2008.

Minimum bid: $10.
Buy It Now: $60.

seller: telesilla, tv: stargate: atlantis, offered: fanfic, rpf: stargate: atlantis

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