Offered: Dramatic reading of any medium-length fic

Jun 24, 2008 13:10

For when the glare of the monitor is killing your eyes ...

Offered: A dramatic reading of any fic you like, whether it's something you've written or something you really love. I have a background in literature and drama and have always been complimented on my read-alouds. I've also done volunteer audiobook recording at Librivox. A sample of my reading can be downloaded here. I'm an American woman, though I can play with a variety of voices if you'd like me to try. I will record the reading with Audacity and send it to you in .mp3 or .ogg format, and you can either keep it all to yourself or publish it however you choose.

I'm not placing any restrictions on this offer. The fic can be in any fandom, of any rating, and featuring any kinks (from het fluff to filial skullfucking). I don't squick easy. Please note, though, that this offer is for a medium-length fic, of 1000 to 5000 words. I have other offers for longer and shorter works, but they have different minimum bids!

Minimum bid: $20

Buy it now: $50

offered: podfic, fandom: any, seller: lottelita, offered: misc services, seller: tacky_tramp

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