Offer: RPF fic 3000 words
I will write a fic of at least 3000 words in any of the following fandoms:
~My Chemical Romance RPS/RPF-- Gerard, Mikey, Ray, Frank, Bob as well as Lyn Z, Alicia, Jamia, Brian, Matt Cortez. Though fair warning I'm really not so sure about writing Ray slashed decently. No Waycest.
~30 Seconds to Mars RPS/RPF--Jared, Shannon, Tomo, Tim or Matt. Letocest is fine.
~Lotr RPS/RPF--preferably Viggo, Bean, Orlando, Karl Urban
~"crossover" with one of the above and another actor/musician or fictional character is negotiable depending on my ability to write them or familiarity of fandom. (I'll say straight up, bandom-wise I can't write Panic or Cobra Starship, I'll attempt Fall Out Boy or the Used)
~No rape/non-con or mpreg.
~AU, Genderbending, kink, heavy angst, crack all fine. if in doubt ask.
Delivery: by Sept 15th. I reserve the right to post to my
fic com on insanejournal as well.
Minimum bid: $5
Buy it now: $30
Offer: Fanfic 1500
I will write fanfic of at least 1500 words in any of the following fandoms:
~Harry Potter-- will write Harry/Neville, Harry/Seamus, Harry/Draco, Harry/Bill Weasley, Harry/Snape, Harry/Charlie Weasley, Snape/Bill Weasley, Snape/Charlie Weasley, Snape/Lupin, Neville/Bill Weasley, Neville/Charlie Weasley.
~Supernatural--Sam/Dean (have not seen much of S3 due to RL so fic will be closer to S1/S2 characterizations)
~Buffy The Vampire Slayer--Xander/Spike, Xander/crossover
no magna/anime/games crossovers I'm not familiar at all with them.
no rape/non con, chan/underage or mpreg
crack, angst, genderbending, mild kink, vampire-bloodplay are fine
Delivery: by Sept 25th I reserve the right to post the fic to
my fic com as well.
Minimum bid: $5
Buy it now: $15
current bid: $15
contact info: email: lisaroquin at gmail dot com, gtalk: lisaroquin yahoo messenger: lisascribble AIM: liseroquin1973