Offered: Journal Filled With Prompted Writing

Jul 01, 2008 14:35

I will fill a handsome black-and-white journal with prompted writings from the winner of the auction. Each piece will range from 300-1000 words, and I will take prompts from the winner until the notebook is filled. Then I will mail it to the winner.

I will keep text copies of each piece for my own files, but will not make any of the journal pieces available online unless requested by the owner of the journal. If requested, none of the pieces will be posted until a month after the winner receives their journal.

Selected samples of my writing.

I will write in the following fandoms or do original fiction, as requested. I will be quite happy to do multiple fandoms in the journal.

- Transformers (the original '80s cartoon, Beast Wars, the '07 Movie, or Transformers: Animated)
- The Matrix trilogy
- ReBoot
- The Dresden Files (books)
- Eberron (world, not any specific novels, I'm afraid)
- the Brendan Fraser Mummy movies
- Star Wars (movies only)
- Scott Lynch's Gentleman Bastard sequence
- Big Trouble in Little China
- Dragonball Z
- Jackie Chan Adventures
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- X-Men (movies only)

For any movie fandom, if the movie is rentable, I'm willing to give it a try.

I will write any gen, het, slash, or femslash not covered under the cut of stuff I specifically will not write.

I will not write incest in any non-Transformers fandom. I will not write any kink that makes me go "eeugh": scat, snuff, and bestiality immediately come to mind. If you are concerned I may not be willing to write your kink, please ask.

I will not write Jazz/Prowl or Optimus/Starscream for Transformers prompts. I'm sorry, but they are pairings I do not grok, and I would rather save us both the hardship. I will not write Goku/Vegeta for Dragonball Z.

I will not write Megatron as a big meanie-head to poor widdle Starscream.

If you are interested in any writing by me without any pairing limits and having minimal kink limits but with narrower fandoms available, check out my other fanfiction auction.

Contact: E-mail me at chaosangel at republicofnewhome dot org if you've won the auction or have a question. You can also post a comment here if you have a question.

Delivery: When the journal is complete. I am afraid I cannot give a more definite time than that.

Starting Bid: $20

tv: reboot, movie: x-men, movie: the matrix, seller: beckyh2112, tv: transformers, book: other, movie: transformers, offered: original fiction, movie: misc, book: dresden files, movie: star wars, offered: original writing, movie: pirates of the caribbean, offered: fanfic, offered: misc items

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