Offered: Fanfic

Jul 01, 2008 14:29

I will write a fanfic of no less than 1500 words using characters and general situation and tone chosen by you. I'm afraid I can't write plots to order, so you'll have to give me a certain amount of leeway. But I can guarantee that I won't write a sad story if you wanted a happy one, a platonic-friendship story if you wanted smut, or an AU if you wanted canon.

I'll write boyslash (any level of explicitness) or gen. I can't write crossovers, hardcore BDSM (mild bondage and that sort of thing is fine), kinks like scat or golden showers, or anything sexually explicit about characters under the age of sixteen. If you want to ask me anything before bidding, just comment here or send me an e-mail (kindkit64 AT yahoo DOT com).

Possible Fandoms

TV: Blake's 7, Buffyverse, Doctor Who (Second, Third, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Doctors), Torchwood

Movies: Dark Harbor, Lawrence of Arabia, The Talented Mr. Ripley, X-Men movies, various others (if you have a specific movie in mind, just ask and I'll tell you if I can write it).

Books: Raymond Chandler's Philip Marlowe novels, Doctor Who "Eight Doctor Adventures" novels, Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories, Reginald Hill's Dalziel and Pascoe novels, China Miéville's Bas Lag novels, Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey and Maturin novels, Mary Renault's novels (the Greek novels and The Charioteer), Dorothy L. Sayers's Peter Wimsey novels, Melissa Scott and Lisa A. Barnett's Pointman novels; also Shakespeare, Milton, Jane Austen, and other such English lit biggies. If there's a specific book you have in mind that's not on the list, just ask and I'll tell you if I can write it.

Comics: Hellblazer, Sandman

(If you'd like examples of my writing, my previous fanfiction can be found on my journal; just use the "fic" tags.)

Delivery: No later than October 1.

Minimum bid: $10

Buy it now: $50

ETA to mods: I can't tag this post with my name because LJ won't let me create tags (it would raise the number of tags over 1000). I've e-mailed, but I wanted to append a note to the post so it's not deleted.

tv: angel, movie: x-men, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, tv: blake's 7, book: dorothy l. sayers, other: shakespeare, tv: doctor who, movie: misc, book: sherlock holmes, comic: sandman, offered: fanfic, tv: torchwood

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