Into the blue lagoon

Jan 31, 2011 22:56

I can't exactly say I'm bored in life right now, but honestly, I can't exactly say I'm having tons of fun either. I've been pretty confused about school. There have been so many mixed signals. On one end I feel like I know what I want; and on the other, I feel like I'm not so sure this course isn't right for me. I want to come into my own. I think I know where I want to be and what I want to do with myself, but I can't seem to shake the feeling that I might be jumping the gun in wanting to abandon this career so soon... If it wasn't so expensive to stay on and explore I'd give the time necessary to truly explore this situation to it's core. But the fact that it costs about five thousand dollars a semester to be here is more than just a side note to me. I don't have that kind of money, and I'd feel like shit if I spent too much more of it and ended up leaving this all behind me.

What I think I want is to be a master masseuse. I love Tui Na massage, and my circulatory teacher is quite the adept. I hesitate to call him a master because he is one. I guess I'm just being modest for him. They say a true master never truly believes he has mastered anything. Sort of like Socrates, you know?
Anyways, what I want in terms of healing abilities is to concentrate on healing people without any tools besides by bare hands and maybe a table and a towel. Acupuncture is nice and all, and I'd love to know it, but it's just so damn complicated and takes so long to learn and actually start practicing that it's fucking boring me... On top of that, and more importantly, I've personally experienced much better results with massage and physical manipulation... I just want to help people with my hands, with my five senses, and my experience. I want to incorporate all the esoteric arts beneficial to my practice and experience. I want to start working on people immediately. Experimenting. I want to be on my way to being a master now. I'm tired of learning from books. I just don't fucking learn that well. I'm more visual and kinesthetic. I find memorization absolutely boring.

I mean, I would love to, love to, love to learn acupuncture. Or better said, I'd love to know acupuncture already. I believe that a suitable alternative to learning acupuncture would be learning acupressure, which is the same thing except with my fingers. But w/e. I think I need to give it more time and more thought. We'll see where I'll end up. At least I know what I want. So even if I put up with this program for the next three to four years I'll come out with some very good skills to get me started while I delve into the treatments I truly want to explore.

Peace be the journey, friends 
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