(no subject)

Dec 23, 2005 18:18

hey! whats everybody up to? not much here just got home. kacey came over today and we gave each other christmas gifts. i got the cuteist thing from her! it is a little ordment and it has two little girls on it and two little hearts next to them and in the hearts has our names in it. then on top it has friends for ever 2005 it is sooooooo cute! ya so what is everybody doing for the rest of the night? not much here amanda is haveing a party. chad left today but he called. to bad i wasn't home! LOL! but no he said that he would csall back later! i really have nothing to do right now. ashleys not home and i can't have anybody over cuz me and my mom and dad r getting ready to leave! so ya i hope u all had a merry christmas eve eve! i got to go so i'll talk to ya later!!!
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