New LiveJournal Revival group on Facebook

Nov 04, 2023 16:58

Several years ago, there was a LiveJournal Revival community on Facebook which had considerable success in reawakening interest in LiveJournal and persuading former users - including myself - to return to LJ. That community appears to have gone, so I have set up a new LiveJournal Revival group on Facebook. To get things rolling, I think it would be a good idea if anyone reading this who has a profile on LiveJournal could join the Facebook group (if you are unfortunate enough to still be lumbered with an FB account), post a link to your LiveJournal profile or community on it, and invite people to add you on LJ. I know that there are still many former users of LiveJournal on Facebook, and many of them have dormant LiveJournal profiles. Let's see if we can get this ball rolling!
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