Jul 20, 2007 19:09
Hello, all--
I had the odd experience of removing a large viburnum bush by simply tugging on the branches and having them pull away from the ground. There were no roots holding the stems: it looked as though something had gnawed away the base of each large stem. I am talking about a bush that was about ten feet tall at its highest point, about 6 fix across, with six main stems which were each about two or three inches in diameter! It was growing here when we moved to the house in late 1993 and had lots of blossoms every year. Then, this last spring, only a few of the side branches had flowers, or even leaves. I finally went to trim it back and found most of the main stems were loose in the ground!
So: whatever replaces the late lamented viburnum will have to get its start in life in a large wine barrel, to prevent gopher snacking! I have already had to place all my roses in wine barrels or raised beds. But to have a mature plant like that (probably planted in the 1980's if not before) be taken like that is quite a shock!
Any suggestions for something that will grow to a similar size even though its roots will be confined to a half-barrel? I was thinking of one of the other types of viburnum that has berries - it would be fun to watch the birds come and feast. But we are in California, about 50 miles north of SF, on the edge of the fog zone. I'm not sure the native viburnums like our climate - I've never seen one in anyone's yard around here.
Suggestions? The spot gets afternoon sun year round, and in the winter when the adjacent oak tree loses its leaves it gets even more sun. I have some agapanthus, white violets, and strawberry geranium growing around site where the viburnum was living. I don't water there often, but there is a faucet nearby so I could rig up a dripper if I end up using a water loving plant. Ideas for what has worked for others? Thanks!