(no subject)

May 25, 2008 23:21

 I truly have no life. While people go out, I make wallpaper out of icons that I take from people. How cool am I?

Today I made chocolate mousse, and a strawberry chocolate tart. Then I went out to dinner. We ordered a prime rib and a 6 1/2 pound lobster. It was major quantities of food.

Nuff said.

He jumped onto the table- a new trick of Charley's. Anyone want to take bets on when he and his extra large hollow head will dominate the world?

If you had to pick which to sing for a talent show which would you pick?

A) Mamma Mia- Requires no talent, will involve crowd, covered by ATeens, clearly with in range, corny, and fun to dance to.

B) Legally Blonde- More of a singing song, sadder, much harder to sing, slightly out of range, better song to listen to, quieter which means mistakes are more auditable.

I'm having trouble picking, and don't want to sound stupid. Any opinions are much appreciated.
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