tis a great week for tv

May 21, 2008 22:13

Gossip Girl and House were amazing.

But, dude, American Idol, David Bonanza. The winner... (spoilers ahead if you aren't east coast)

David Cook? After all of that talk about how David Archuleta had a KO? I was so sure he was going to win, but no. David Cook, by 12 million votes. That confuses me
On a real life note, I was in a concert today with my 8 other classmates in musical theater. Vocal is normally awful, and we are normally very good, so it was a shock when we were not great. People liked it, but I guess compared to everyone else, we sounded off of Broadway.

And, more singing. I plan on singing Mamma Mia for the talent show in 2 weeks. I am excited!

Charley now knows how to climb onto chairs, so he can climb onto the table and eat everything, like paper, food, wine, phones, etc. Nothing is safe.
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