A vacuum of sorrow to swallow up the day

Sep 12, 2005 00:26

my roomate from the last two years just found a dead homeless man in the msu library.

i feel so so bad for her.

the cops asked her questions, and all she knew was he was alive when she sat down next to him and dead when she last looked over.

and to lighten the mood.

WGRD211243: thats prob the best thing i've heard all day.
WGRD211243: its sad
WGRD211243: but come on thats unreal.
Lessthanurmom: yeah but it's horrible
WGRD211243: oh yeah
WGRD211243: thats really bad
WGRD211243: sorry.

ps. why is the face for shocked a smile? honestly who smiles when they are in shock.
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