I Believe I'll Dust My Broom...

May 05, 2008 19:20

It's finals week, but life is good.

This weekend I had World Music Study Parties in two nights in a row. Pizza Shuttle was involved each time.

New Moon Party yesterday afternoon. Lots of ladies, sitting in the sun, talking about vaginas. Saw Vagina Monologues for the third time this weekend, too.

The festivities culminated in a Third Ward excursion. Went to the Wicked Hop for the first time, and had a Monty Python and the Holy Ale. Guaha.

Read Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri cover to cover in three days. By page 50, I had already cried twice. Wrote my last journalism assignment EVAHHH on her, so I got to research her life at the same time.

Tonight free Late Night Breakfast in the Union. Free din, and free pancakes. Huzzah!

Did I mention I'm drafting an essay for my History of Rock and Roll final about Deborah Harry, Alanis Morisette and Fiona Apple?

ladybits, food, feminism, music, new moon, beer, college, history, books

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