Mar 10, 2007 21:28
Gha, I don't know where to start. I'm not making enough money. Business has been so slow that I could run the shop pretty much by myself, but Adam still schedules everyone he possibly can to deliver. I have my insurance payment ($280) due on March 1st, my truck payment ($300) due on March 11th. Than on top of that, I have cable, electric, rent and cell phone.
So life sucks a lot right now. At least I have a sweet girlfriend.
I had a job interview monday morning. I'm praying that I get it. I need so much to stop driving for a living. I need to have a steady income. I can't live off of tips anymore. Especially since I'm pretty much in the hole because business is so slow.
If I get this job, I have a guarenteed forty hours a week at eleven dollars per hour. Full health and dental benefits. And I'm on call every other weekend. So I can still pick up a part-time job during the week.
Right now, I am sitting in my apartment. Alone. Watching "Tomorrow Never Dies" on Showtime. I've been really depressed lately, but I just haven't been showing it whatsoever. I have no money to do anything. Sometimes I really do wish that I didn't get my truck. No matter how much I love it.
I really just want The Dioscuri to do something. The sad thing is, none of us have money. At all. Which, I am positive, is the reason that we haven't left upstate yet. I'm fully confident that we could do North American tours, we just don't have the money. It's not the determination we lack, it's the funds. And that fucking blows. My band is something that I've needed to keep me going for years now, and I just want to be able to go places. I never will be able to. I'm forced to be responsible with my life, as opposed to being a kid and living my dreams.
But that will never happen, I suppose.
And I guess that's just something that I'm forced to live with.