Jul 02, 2006 18:44
This may make more sense/sound less freaky, etc. to Christian readers, but, y'know, everyone can read it!
So like. Today Mary (not Wood! Another Mary at my church) was talking about Peter, and I was surprised that I was the only one who knew anything more than him being a disciple, but that doesn't matter. The fact is that the stuff she was talking about MADE SENSE, and I feel like god is really trying to tell me, "You're a Peter". That's not to say I need to change my name or nickname like Peter had actually done, but that I'm pretty similar to him - I'm all up for things, not just Christian stuff, but other projects too - but when I get around to doing them, I give up easily because I find other things to do. Mary was talking about "the spirit" and "the flesh", with reference to Jesus saying "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" to the disciples at Gethsemane, saying that we're the same. And y'know, it just gave me a sense of peace that because I'm human and stuff, I'm susceptible to these things, even if it's not what I should be doing.
But then, she spoke about how it's not the flesh that should be in control because the flesh died on the cross when Jesus died, and it's now "no longer I but Christ in me" as Johnathon Douglass, Joel Houston and Marty Sampson so wonderfully put in "Tell The World". (Yeah, Woo! for getting Hillsong into this!) So all of the stuff that is making me far from God at the moment doesn't need to be, I can tell it to go away and I can get on with it! After all, Romans 8:31 - "If God is for us, who can be against us?"!
This is the amazing thing about God. People may think I'm strange for this, but in the end there is nothing that can stop me if I am with Christ. I hope you guys can see this too :D
I keep thinking about all of this mad "Servant Evangelism" stuff Dad keeps going on about and we keep doing, and it truly is a great booster for how we feel, because it makes me, at least, feel even more like it's Jesus in me doing it all, because there is no way I would be able to go up to people, camera in one hand, ice cold water bottles and dripping cards in the other, and ask them if they want a free drink.
So, um, yeah. Mary's helped so much, she has such a passion for God, it's amazing. I want to persuade God not to tell her to go to College but to keep within my reach and to be a close friend for me. Because I think I need someone like her around me a lot - it would be so much better than a week of Newday or Soul Survivor or Spring Harvest, because she'd be there all the time, and she'd keep me focused just by showing that she isn't perfect, that she's still not as close to God as she once was, but God is teaching her how to be again, and her heart is pouring out for us younger lot to be the same.
It's terrible that I'm not that good at showing people God's love for them and just chicken out of it, just like Peter did, but He can teach me, just like He's teaching Mary patience and loyalty, just like He can teach me too. Whilst I have this mild opportunity, I'm not trying to scare any of you... but God loves us!!! Yay!
Um, you can look again now, if you wanted to ignore that bit, because now I'm going to talk about something slightly more secular: "getting help". At the moment I've been in a fairly good mood all day, but still part of me wants to get help, although that's a smaller portion than was earlier. In fact, it's completely non-existent now, even though I know all of the problems still exist. Mreh.
point in life,
nice stuff,