I have to agree with ya Matt...It gets on my last nerve when people take the Bible word for word. Like you said, whatever the case it was written by man...not God. Secondly, it's been through many translations, all of which can come to mean different things as there is no perfect translation between two languages...and lastly, it's so not in context with today's society and culture (as you said). I think the Bible is great, has a lot of good stuff in there, but when you take it word for word and pick and chose what parts you want to be significant that's just not fair...i mean for the longest time they justified slavery by quoting the Bible...c'mon now...
oh jesus fucking christ.... anyone that knows me knows that I put as much belief into the bible as I put into a Dr. Suess book. I've always said it should be shelved in Fiction, and if alphabetical by author then it should be under "S" for "Sexist Pigs."
maybe so, however a homosexual lifestyle goes contrary to one of the purposes of life... to marry, have a family and gain the experience of doing so. A homosexual lifestyle can never allow for the experience of "creating life". Thus, in the long-term, a temporary fleeting happiness is replaced with eternal regret from effectively being a cul-de-sac within the great family tree.
Is you people that think homosexuals are so bad because they have sex out of marriage and don't have familys...
WHEN IN FACT, homosexuals are being prohibited from being married or adopting because of you MOTHER FUCKERS!
THINK ABOUT IT... there are so many children living in orphanages and group homes, and then you WILL NOT allow homosexuals to adopt kids... what is wrong with that picture?
You rather have a child live in poverty and possibly abuse and emotional problems in a group home/ orphanage than living in a LOVING gay home.
yes.... because the world is so underpopulated at the moment that we can't spare a single sperm. And I know several homosexuals with children (their own, not adopted). And while we're on the topic of the experience of "creating life," wouldn't Catholic priests, nuns, and celibate people also be blocking this illustrious experience of creating life?
...and the reason you know several homosexuals with children is because they have not "always" lived a homosexual lifestyle. I'll say it again, living a homosexual lifestyle will rob you of the opportunity to create life. perhaps that's not for you, fine, but you will not be able to experience the long-term joy that come from such a wonderful experience.
maybe some people don't want to create life. maybe they'd rather take of all the shit being caused by over population of the planet than add another 2.5 hungry mouths. The whole reason behind certain groups of people (i.e. Catholic Chuch) saying homosexuality and the use of contraceptives is a sin is because there's no chance of creating life. the whole reason in the first place for "crreating life" was thousands of years ago when women had to be baby factories because they needed a constant supply of warriors to fend off invaders, baby factories to keep churning out babies, and not to mention that it was the only way your name got carried on. (Bob son of that guy that sells milk.) As you can see, there's not exactly a shortage of people on this planet. Lets worry about feeding millions of people living on less than $1 a day than the fact that two guys doing eachother in the ass doesn't = problem child.
jeebuz, you're right. some people don't want that, one of which seems to be you. i'm not telling you what you should or should not do, only that you'll never be able to experience that form of happiness. as for me, i plan to keep over-populating the planet -- my choice. btw, your comments about over population of the planet are interesting.
regarding a tangent topic, are you also the guy that also wants world peace? if so, perhaps you might re-think your support of the drug-trade. do you understand the dark-side of the drug market? think on it for a while the next time you burn a bogey with your buddies all-the-while jamming to Marley.
you have me confused with miss america. I'm not crusading for world peace, what i'm pushing is the ONE Campaign. If you actually read the material on the website i provided you would know that its not to gain world peace, but to get the US Govt to spend an additional 1% of the US budget on aid for ending extreme poverty (defined as living on less than $1 per day), starvation, and the AIDS epidemic.
Anyone can create life... you know, there are ways... such as having children with a best friend, or maybe renting a womb... any of these things are possible... to a well brought up child, they won't care where they came from, just how they were brought up, and I can sure as hell guarantee a gay couple could raise a child just as good as any straight couple...
Matt, you're an 18 year-old that can't guarantee anything. you have no idea what you're talking about because you have no experience in these things nor do you have the willingness to soften up your arrogant attitude to be malable enough to learn.
I sure as hell CAN garauntee that... I may be young, but I sure as hell aren't blind. I have probably just as much experience of family as anyone else... I, myself, have grown up in a pretty crazy family. My attitude? Honey, let's get this straight... there is a big difference between arrogance and CONFIDENCE, and I admit to having a great deal of confidence in my life and my lifestyle and the people I love. So, how about you stop and fuckin learn for once.
Thus, in the long-term, a temporary fleeting happiness is replaced with eternal regret from effectively being a cul-de-sac within the great family tree.
This is what gets me...
Is you people that think homosexuals are so bad because they have sex out of marriage and don't have familys...
WHEN IN FACT, homosexuals are being prohibited from being married or adopting because of you MOTHER FUCKERS!
THINK ABOUT IT... there are so many children living in orphanages and group homes, and then you WILL NOT allow homosexuals to adopt kids... what is wrong with that picture?
You rather have a child live in poverty and possibly abuse and emotional problems in a group home/ orphanage than living in a LOVING gay home.
regarding a tangent topic, are you also the guy that also wants world peace? if so, perhaps you might re-think your support of the drug-trade. do you understand the dark-side of the drug market? think on it for a while the next time you burn a bogey with your buddies all-the-while jamming to Marley.
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