update: life

Sep 18, 2005 19:55

yo so i'm a packer senior now which has been 14 years in the making, and everytime i think about it (which is quite often) i just instantly get into a good mood. Things are falling to place which is a great feeling, i've got the best schedule in the world (fridays i can go home at 9:45 as most of you already know), i like most my classes this year especially Mandarin which is gangsta. I'm falling in love with music and my music more and more and this year i can actually devote time to it. Oh yeah and in 4-6 weeks i'll know if i've been accepted to ASU which is my #1 choice. Hopefully i'll be a second semester senior in october :) So love me or hate me but the underdogs on top bitch, hahaha.
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