Fruit Flies

Apr 03, 2008 16:22

Fruit flies! They have invaded our house. They are crawling everywhere! All in our compost and everywhere else. So what do you do? Make a fruit fly trap! It was so much easier than we thought it might be ( Read more... )

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nitedreamer June 30 2008, 22:28:34 UTC
So- we've been eating a lot of fresh fruit lately, and since we no longer have a garbage disposal, a lot of the rinds and things sit in the sink or in empty milk cartons, and now we have about a dozen fruit flies. (Where do they come from? How do they get inside? I don't get it.)

Then I remembered you writing about this!

Anyway, we don't have ACV at the moment, so I am trying the trick with some pineapple juice and chunks of fruit that fell on the floor. We'll see if it works, or if I need to get some more pungent ACV.


nitedreamer July 1 2008, 04:00:07 UTC
You're amazing!

They just like sweet things. I bet the pineapple juice would work well. Or you could mix honey in with regular vinegar.

But just so you know, ours didn't just fly in, they decidedly drowned. So what I was hoping would be a cruelty free way to get rid of them was a bit more sinister. I didn't mind that much though, ;-). It certainly did the trick.

I should post plans to build an indoor worm bin - they'll eat your scraps and it doesn't smell at all. That would also solve your fruit fly issues.


livefrommombasa July 1 2008, 04:11:53 UTC
Er, that was me by the way.


nitedreamer July 2 2008, 04:15:23 UTC
Well, 36 hours later, and I caught one fruit fly. It didn't die, it was sitting on top of one of the fruit chunks that stuck out over the juice. It was like a fruit fly on a deserted island.

We bought some ACV now, so we'll see if that does a better job. There's not a ton of them- I usually see just 3-4 at a time, but they've wandered from the kitchen into the bathroom, bedroom, and there could be about 10.

I've been thinking about trying to compost- most of our garbage is food waste. I hate throwing it away, but right now we don't have any outdoor space, and wouldn't have anywhere to put the compost. Do you have a worm bin right now?


livefrommombasa July 2 2008, 04:49:22 UTC
I don't have a worm bin because we have enough outdoor space to have a compost pile. But I'd like to have a worm bin too. You can build one that fits under your sink with 2 big plastic tubs.

I've made these, they're not too hard.


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