
Oct 14, 2007 16:51

First off, due to the gheyities of my computer I never got to update last week and write on and on about just how FUCKIN BRILLIANT Elling was. I mean, it was so genuinely great.
Elling is the main character and the play revolves around his friendship with Kjell and their reintroduction to society from an asylum.
I mean the concept alone is delectable.
Jesus, though. It was so well presented. Every actor and actress was astounding and John Simm was just undeniably brilliant. I don't think he's had a wide enough range of characters on TV to show how capable an actor he really is.
It was touching without being piteous and hilarious without mocking the mentally unstable. You were with Elling all the way. The mysterious, underground poet, E. The sauerkraut poet.
I can't find his poem anywhere though. What is the point in the internet if it fails me so constantly! It was strangely beautiful. Even the line "drunk upon our floor" :D
It's a horrible feeling to know that I can never see it again but so fucking good that I saw it in the first place :)

I was also going to rant here about how awesome Tim Minchin was at the playhouse last night but that'll have to come later. The Elling rant should stand alone.

brilliance, omg, elling

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