goin to Greg's friday around 10 or so...
still need to get/remember directions
that's from ~10-3 or so
Corey and I are renting some $$$ movies and looking for a place to crash
movies include:
Fight Club,
Office Space,
and whatever I have on my computer ;-)
we're looking for a place to crash from about 5 to close :-S
close being when ever you decide to kick us out :-D
PLEASE give me or Corey a call/email/letter/brick so that we have a place to watch
oh yea
the reason we are searching:
My parents are having something here and Corey's dad turns 50!! on sat
so we have no where to go, but we'll bring movies, snacks, etc. if you will have us over
and a pole dance if you are so inclined :-P
I'll try callin around if I can, but it might be minimal...
:: cracks neck ::
woooo that feels better
Almost finished Angels and Demons
(I can't type... here it is in original form... "WAHR E GOOOD BOKK~~!!!" LOOL)
I have stayed up for the past couple nights past 6 am just reading (this morning it was 7 am)
it's a 600 page book and I've finished it in a week
very uncommon for me with everything else I have to do
I stay up last night stealing my dad's car and getting it washed and cleaned out at 3 am because it's his 48th? birthday today!
and then it was 5 am and he had to get up at 6
I made pancakes, coffee, and other stuff...
when I went into his room at 6 he said he couldn't sleep last night after they called him around 4:30 and he had to get up in a while and didn't want anything... he was tired :: mummble grummble etc ::
I went to bed and read until 7 and slept for most of the day
:: remember... I don't get angry/mad over petty things like these ::
I get woken up by the phone and my mom comes in with the phone sayin it was my dad
he said how much it meant to him, etc.
that made my day
good times
and I got to drive the Z :-D
1. Take your livejournal username and replace each letter with the corresponding number (a=1, b=2, etc.). If your name contains numbers, you'll need to convert them to words first before you can convert to numbers.
2. Add all of the numbers together to create a kind of super number.
3. Make a note of the first digit of this number, then add the digits of the number together.
4. Find the post of this number in your livejournal. If you don't have that many posts, add the digits together again. Keep doing so until the number is smaller than your pathetic number of posts.
(using louolUNIQUE) 03:29am 01/08/2002 (woah)
5. Take the digit you noted in step 3, and count that many words into the post.
8th word is 'to'
6. Use the resulting word in a google image search, and select a picture from the first page. It's me O_O
only black!