Labor Day vacation

Sep 14, 2007 14:10

Having not realized that my employers would take advantage of me at the time of hire, I did not negotiate vacation time for myself before my first year is complete. That said, I was able to create a mini-vacation by pairing two weekends and two paid holidays (my birthday moved to coincide with Labor Day). I ended up with six days of time off to go visit my family in Fort Lauderdale/Miami. After booking my trip, both parents ended up scheduling back surgery for the day before I arrived. As you can imagine, I was much more stressed, feeling like I needed to take care of my mother (she had more serious inpatient surgery, while my dad just had an outpatient procedure), but also feeling like I needed to split my time between her and the rest of my family and friends. Luckily, my sister came down from St. Pete and helped take care of my mom for a few days.

I'm not going to detail the entire trip, as most of it really was uneventful. I spent time with Dara, EJ and Will down in Coral Gables and then with my family back in Coral Springs and Parkland. Lots of movies and television. I went to Target in both locations. I assembled a vacuum and changed the cat litter for my mother. I broke up fights between the three labs at my dads. I ate grocery store key lime pie. I watched an episode of LA Ink while my dad played Ages of Empires. I collected newspapers. The most fun I had though was seeing all the puppies at Dara's new work. I love puppies.

I can't wait till I have real vacation time. I plan to visit again in April for both my mom and my friend/mentor Randy's birthdays. Hopefully Dara and EJ will still be around, otherwise I will just have to visit them wherever they end up.

Oh and I cut over a foot off my hair.
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