Nov 02, 2005 22:30
After almost two years of publicly airing my dirty laundry here, I'm making this thing private. Not because of all the negative comments I've been getting recently either. I mean, let's face it, I've been getting them from plenty of people for awhile. It takes much more than that to shut me up.
However, it has come to my attention over the past day or so that me being so unwilling to shut up causes problems for other people. So, before I go, I'm going to address this situation, once and for all.
First and foremost, I'm obviously not a hustler. I was quoting a song lyric for shits and giggles. I meant nothing by it.
Secondly, yes, I wear girls jeans. What my taste in pants has to do with any of this, I have no clue.
Thirdly, I didn't steal anyone's girlfriend by singing songs or buying flowers, although I did do the latter. I didn't ask for this to happen, but it did and I'm running with it because thus far, it makes me happy. If that makes me a horrible person, then alright, I'm a horrible person.
But let's clarify this now... just like I don't know you or the situation, you and your friends don't know me. So don't come here and call me unintelligent and wave your pricey college education in my face because frankly, I'm not impressed. I think it's awesome that you're smart and that you're doing something with your life, but don't think for a second that because of that you have the right to condescend upon me like I'm on a lower level than you.
You're right, I don't know everything about her and about the situation. For all I know, you could've treated her like a fucking queen. All I know is that when I met her, she was unhappy and I wanted to change that.
Maybe she's going to lie to me. Maybe she is going to have a million relationships on the side. Maybe she is selfish or whatever else your friend said in that novel he/she wrote me. And maybe he could give her all of these things that I'll never be able to, since apparently all I do is sing in a band. All I know is that right now, at this moment, she makes me happy and I'd rather risk finding those things out to hold on to that.
Live, Die, Repeat is officially friends only. Comment and talk shit to keep the internet drama going or simply reply saying you want added so you can keep reading. I'm over it.
Stay well.
love julian