Oh yes, as a matter of factly, I found out today that Ted will be put away for up to 8 years in prison... he'll get 2 years minimum. How nice it is that Paige won't have a father around for that long. All because of the stupidist CUNT that has ever existed, JACKIE DAVIS. Jackie Davis, 18 years old, who likes to sleep with a lot of men, and get
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i hope this doesnt piss you off to hear my opinions.
maybe blaming the girl 100% percent for all this isnt the only way to look at it. it is his fault too, he participated knowing she was underage most of the times they did something. just dont close your eyes to that just because you love him. i know its hard to see bad things about people you love but try to see one thing here. he was the adult and should have had more sense. lets for a moment pretend like you dont know him. ok now you hear about some older guy sleeping with an underage girl, more than 1 time, starting at 14 yrs old. would you think HE has a problem? i would. you know i am your friend and on your side. all i am saying is try not to disregard his part in this. it takes two ya know?
as for her. do you know why she slept with him at 14? i bet you are saying to yourself, "cause she is a fucking bitch whore, a dead bitch whore!". right? hehe. anyway, lets think about why she MIGHT have. i am assuming she was not forced and it was consensual but still a 14 yr old, even if they do make that decision (i know i was sleeping with people at 14) they still are not mature enough to have made that choice. why she continued to do it over and over no one can know. i do know that sometimes a person who is taken advantage of when they are underage and the other is older, might continues to let it happen because they are lacking something in their own lives. maybe little/no affection from parents, maybe the dad left, maybe they have no friends. and this affection and attention from an older guy might make them feel special. also, they may begin to feel that sex is the only thing that gets them attention and love. not that any of this makes it right, but she may not even be aware of her own reasonings, or see it herself. she may have even gone on to sleep around with other guys.
i am so sorry to hear someone took advantage of you and your sister. i was molested from the age of 10 off and on till i was 13. i was threatened, to do it. looking back now at that threat that was made, how stupid was i to fall for that? but i was only 10 yrs old and certain things meant a lot to me back then that seem silly now. he said he was going to make sure no one liked me ever again, not my friends or family, if i didnt do it. and he kept calling me a big baby until i finally broke down and let him continue doing it. i didnt want to be a big baby and i didnt want to have everyone hate me. looking back now, that would have been a BLESSING for everyone to hate me!!!!! most of my family and my old friends are jerkoffs anyway. ha! if i would have had someone try to molest me when i was older instead of 10 yrs old, i would have reacted differently for sure. i would have probably put a bomb in his pants.
it messed up my head to have had sex so early, and at 14 i started having sex with boys my own age. i probably wouldnt have started so early had i not been molested. and it took until i got married at 21 to feel like someone wanted or something other than sex. maybe this girl feels the same way. maybe not. just a thought.
i know you want to kill her. i KNOW you and believe you will fuck with her. so just think about p. she doesnt need 2 parents in jail. make sure you dont do anything to this girl that will get you into trouble. p needs you now that t. is gone for a while.
i have never had this particular thing happen to me, so i am only trying to understand and put myself in your shoes. what i said above, thats how i would feel if it were me instead of you. of course you have put a lot of stock in t. and your relationship so i can only imagine how you must feel about all this. i do feel for ya though :( everything will work out for you. just hang in there! and try not to commit murder meanwhile!!! :P
love ya woman, take care of yourself and p.
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