(no subject)

Apr 01, 2011 05:55

Name: Colleen
Journal: lumati
Contact: AIM: Mercurial Whimsy

Character Name: Duo Maxwell
Series: Gundam Wing
Gender: Male
Age & Canon Point: 16, Post series but Pre-Endless Waltz
Requested Sponsor: Topaz or Ruby
Entry position Cadet
History: Wiki-link it is!
Abilities & Physical Abnormalities:
He's a gifted pilot and driver, a well trained mechanic, and decent with firearms. He's not overly strong at hand to hand combat, but he's good with knives to a certain degree. For someone who couldn't have had much training on the subject, he's also damn good with computers and communication as a whole. Need something bugged? Duo's totally your guy. This is admittedly at least a little bit fanon, but he's also pretty good with explosives to a certain degree as well.

At a casual glance Duo seems to be a very back "good ol' boy" type despite his sometimes rather sarcastic attitude. He tends to be overly talkative and boisterous, setting him apart from most of the other people in his rather awkward career field of Gundam Pilot. Not that this bother's him as he's quite happy breaking all the conventional molds, because really what were they but ideas that'd keep a guy down?

At a glance, he's the sort of guy you'd expect to be fairly popular in high school despite - or perhaps because of- his unconventional air. He's got a good personality for it as he's not the sort to be socially awkward as well as his outgoing attitude combined with that aforementioned 'good old boy' charm. They combine together to make a rather compelling mixture. He's not your stereotypical popular guy in teenage dramas as he's not the sort to be a bully despite his wicked sense of humor and love of a good joke or prank. Largely it's because Duo isn't the sort of guy who'd pay attention to silly things like conventional social groups - making friends in every social circle known to man.

Do be careful though or he'll fool you into believing that he's only just that one part: a good old boy who'd never harm anybody. Which, given his true career is obviously far from the case. It should be noted that despite his darker side and his rather bleak job he's not the sort who would hurt innocent people or civilians. That doesn't mean that he won't take action if there's someone he feels genuinely deserves it no matter what their allegiance might be. As far as why he fights though, he's got several reasons. One part of him genuinely just wants to make the people who killed his family pay. At the same time, he's also fighting for freedom and a better tomorrow.

Duo's also not entirely above cheating, stealing, or otherwise to get by in life. He will never lie; however, which one might find hard to believe considering but it's the truth and a credo that he lives by. He does; however, sometimes omit parts of the truth or twist it in such a way that people might conveniently get the wrong idea. Duo isn't above bending the rules/orders to suit what he thinks will have a better outcome. Which means he'll probably get into quite a bit of trouble at Garden and will likely be a continual thorn in the Disciplinary Committee's side. Oops?

Since beliefs are something the mods like to have noted, the fact that he partially grew up in a Catholic church it doesn't have any real his religious beliefs. If pressed the only god he believes in is the god of death, which which might have been alarming if that wasn't himself. Though perhaps the fact that he refers to himself as the god of Death is a reason to be alarmed as it is.

What are your plans for the character in-game? Cause a little mayhem, maybe do some flirting, and just generally have fun with him. Duo's pretty good for shaking things up a bit.

Anything else?I don't think so?

Complete TWO out of the FOUR options.
i) IC Questionnaire
What do you prefer to be known as? The names Duo, Duo Maxwell.
How old are you? Sixteen as far as we can tell. Dunno for sure. Not like I've got a birth certificate or anything.

Do you have any history in combat? You bet I do. Just helped end a war, it was pretty intense too. You should have been there. [He gestures wildly, smiling all the while.]
If so, have you ever killed? It's part of the job description. [He shrugs casually.] Kinda hard to blow things up and not kill people if you know what I mean.

i) How do you feel when you get involved in some project that calls for immediate and rapid activity? There's nothing like an adrenaline rush to make a guy feel like he's alive.

ii) Do you organize and initiate leisure activities? I'm more of a spur of the moment kind of guy, if you want organization go talk to Quatre.

iii) What role do you take when working in a group? What role do I need to play? I'd like to think I'm a pretty versatile guy. You want me to lead? Whatever I'll lead. You want me to follow, I'll follow.

iv) How talkative are you around other people? Heh, pretty sure I've heard a few of the Sweepers calling me Motormouth Maxwell before. That answer your question?

v) What three things would you want to have with you on a desert island? State your reasoning. A knife, a long length of rope, and one of those fancy water purifiers that can turn salt-water into freshwater. I know I could do it with some basic stuff, but why not take the easy way if you can, right?

vi) Is it important to be liked by a wide range of people? The way I see it people will either like you or they won't, but at least it's easier to get by if people don't hate your guts.

vii) When the odds are against you, is it worth taking a chance? Hell yeah. Better to go down with a fight than with a bullet to the back don't you think? At least if you go down swinging you can take more of them to hell with you anyway.

viii) Do you consider yourself to be an impulsive person? Compared to most of the guys I work with yeah, but they're kinda sticks in the mud.

ix) Would you agree that planning things ahead takes the fun out of life? Sometimes you need plans, but planning out everything would just be boring. Where's the excitement of the unknown that way?

x) Do you like surprises? Good ones yeah, could do without the bad ones though.

xi) Do you sometimes wonder if there is something wrong with you? Couldn't change it even if there was, so who cares? Might as well focus on the things I can change, right?

xii) Do you consider yourself to be smarter than your superiors, and disagree with their decisions? Depends, are my superiors given me dumb orders? I'll listen as long as they make sense, but I'm not just gonna blindly follow orders if they're clearly wrong or likely to get me killed for no damn reason.

xiii) Lastly, how do you feel about cabbages? It's food so that makes it okay in my books. Not my favorite, but it's better than starving.

iii) Bracket/Commentspam RP sample
[Looking around the training center, it's obvious that Duo doesn't really believe this place is as dangerous as the material makes it out to be.]

Para-magic and monsters? And here they're trying to tell me I'm not dreaming. Clearly this is a sign that I need to lay off the pizza before bed. Guess two-week old leftovers aren't edible after all.

[He continues to walk around the area, clearly finding the location rather interesting. Of course it' just his luck that he manages to stumble upon the king of the Training Center, a T-rexaur. Stopping in his tracks he stares at the apparent dinosaur for a moment before turning and running back the way he came.]

What the fuck sorta school is this? Dinosaurs? You've gotta be kidding me. [In fact, that makes everything seem just a little bit more dream like than it had before, but he's not about to push his luck.] This can't be real, but I really don't want to get squashed by that thing either in case it really is.

[Which left only one option: continue to run while hollering for help.]

Hey! Anyone out there? Guy could use a hand right about now.

[As the T-rexaur, who's surprisingly fast, continues to keep up with him Duo pushes for more speed, face turning white as he flies down the path.]

Any day now would be nice. Someone!? Anyone!? [There's a rush of air as the monster tries to attack that Duo jut manages to avoid, but only barely.] Man if he touches the hair I'm gonna be so pissed.

!application, !rp: witchesreign, !ooc

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