Feb 09, 2011 18:01
Hillary and I tried to go to school today, but the car broke down in Resaca, 45 minutes from home and fifteen minutes from the college. It's so inconvienent for several reasons, the first being that my car (our back up car) was already messed up, so now I am basically carless. The second reason being that we can't miss class tomorrow, it doesn't get out until 3, and I have to work at 4...so we'll have to book it in Daddy's truck, and hope I get there in time. But I am choosing to beleive that the bonuses this time outway the negatives this time.
Number one, no school meant time to write while waiting for the wrecker.
Number two, we broke down on Baker St, and it just so happens that I am currently obssessed with Sherlock Holmes right now, so I imagined I was at 221b the whole time :)
Number three, working tomorrow at 4 means I won't have to work Fri at 5 which means I can FINALLY make it to writing group, for the first time in weeks and weeks!