Its 7:25 in the fucking morning (or my clock decieves me)

Jul 21, 2003 07:24

ok, this is my 1st update in exactly 1.9 gazillion years. lots of stuff has happened, and some stuff has not. I've lost 1 car, but gained another. I'm still not too terribly fond of job a, wishing that job b could be done more often, and i'm cursing "bitch tits", whom decided not pay me a thousand dollars to build a database, taking away a very promising c.

yesterday i went to dan's with korey and miss victoria, korey and i got drunk, and both got the accompanying british accents that come with being drunk. then we tried to watch predator but failed when the sandman interfered with our viewing of the classic arnold movie. woke up so i could go to bed once one was vacant. woke back up, watched carebears, ate eggo's, picked up dan from work, lost at lord of the rings risk, came home, didnt sleep, updated my live journal for the first time in (as previously stated) exactly 1.9 gazillion years, observed the worst case of runonsentence ever, realized i was rambling, hoped i would wake up in four hours for work, went to bed.
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