Current Layout: Snapshot_Seeker

Apr 19, 2008 23:39

I am currently working on a Layout for snapshot_seeker.

This post is going to be for notes reguarding the layout and ideas I want to impliment.

  • Member of the Month gets their photos featured in the header, a smaller version could be made for display in their own journal.
  • Show last four theme winners in Sidebar.
  • Be vigilant with tags (for links to weekly theme/scavenger hunt)
  • Possible backgound image for Custom Text (check s2expressive)
  • Welcome and Members Only in Sticky Post (Possible Members Only banner?), Free Use disclaimer
  • Thus far, low maintenance - easy for mod to manage, or I can keep up with it.
  • suggest photos not under lj-cut have max width of 640, and that may still be too large.

snapshot_seeker, layout notes, expressive

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