Anyone have a winning lottery ticket they'd be willing to sell?

Feb 22, 2006 08:54 I'm beginning to wish I hadn't taken a whole week off from work...I guess I planned on staying longer at Leanne's, but, oh well. Back to work today....gotta have a little money since we're going to start moving our stuff into the new house, and I realized just how much we really don't have. I went to Wal-Mart yesterday and bought a set of dishes, and I love them! They're black and square and they feel/look like part of a frying pan. Eeek...exciting! I'll have to figure out my next Saturday or Sunday off, and we'll have our housewarming party the night before. Whomever wants to come, can!!! I can't wait!

This Saturday is Blueline's Christmas party (a little late, I think, but whatever) and I'm not sure I want to go??? The last one I went to I ended up getting completely shit-faced and tried jumping out of a moving car...way to go Marshelle! I'm not going to drink as much this year, for sure!

And just so everyone knows, I'm doing so good in school! Surprising, I know, especially since I've missed, like, well over half my classes. I just hate school right now! I told my mom yesterday I would rather rip out my toenail than go to class...she didn't buy it.

Well, off to work I go...but I'm not going to whistle about it.
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