Make Poverty History

Jul 02, 2005 14:35

Everyone out there needs to be watching the Live 8 concert. It's on pretty much all day on MTV and VHI. You need to go to and add your name to the Live 8 list, a petition to be circulated through many government organazations. If you don't know what Live 8 is, I'll give you a summary. A few weeks ago there was a concert called Live Aid. Live Aid earned a lot of money to help fight poverty, but Live 8 does not raise money, it raises awarness and spread knowledge of extreme poverty and HIV AIDS. Great artists from all over the world are performing all over the world to reach out to everyone. The idea originated from an organazation called the G8, which is consisted of countries such as Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom, and other globally influential countries. The G8 composed a plan to help end Africa's extreme poverty and debt. Africa is in a state of unimagineable debt because it borrowed money impossible for them to repay from world banks. The G8 is not giving Africa a loan, it is giving Africa a grant, promising Africa that as long as the money given to them is used correctly, they will not have to recompensate. Thank you to everyone that's going to help. Simply watching the people that have to live in the most horrifying conditions on the regular will make you wnat to sign these petitions and become involved if you don't already. Make your voice heard! Please!
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