Aug 13, 2010 16:08

I have been very absent for the past few weeks due to some very heavy things I am going through which I am not up to discussing at the moment. I apologize for the lacking on the Writer's Block Suggestions and more avid updates.

I have not written in my own Trading Journal since the last time I, myself, updated this community. Tonite I will write and.. and break the vicious cycle of life.

I am here of course to see everyone's PROGRESS in my absense. I understand that this community may have lost some members due to the Weekly Check-Ins as well as the time limits on this community. This was to be expected sadly but these things do happen and hopefully this will give us some insight on how to make this community a better place.


* When would people like to begin trading their journals away?
The original Trading Date would have been sometime in this month. But I have noticed the majority of us are not finished and will need more time. I am thinking of post-poning our trade-off until the middle of next month, Say Semptember 15th? Ideas?

* What would you all like to do for the next trade?
I have discussed this with Savannahjan and we feel that shortening the duration of the writing process and possibly have us keeping our journals for only a 2 month's time span will be easier for people to fill their journals. Ideas?

And please comment with the above statements with your opinions, and suggesstions.

Hope everyone is doing well.

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