
Aug 05, 2005 18:14


1.First best friend: Katie my sister
2.First car: Still have it, Ford Ranger
3.First real kiss: Stephen
4.First break-up: none
5.First screen: chell81185
6.First self-purchased album: New kids on the block, or Paula Abdul, not sure
7.First funeral: My mom's
8.First pets: Ruffles my dog
9.First piercing/Tattoos: ears, then belly button, then industrial
10.First credit card: dont have one
11.First boyfriend/girlfriend: never had one
12.First enemy: I hope I don't have any but I have a feeling I just made one revently without meaning to
13.First big trip: Florida when I was really little


1.Last cigarette: about four days ago, lol, oh man John
2.Last car ride: Today
3.Last kiss: ugh..... not sure, its been a while
4.Last good cry: eeewww... way to often lately for no good reason
5.Last library book checked out: umm.... I don't remember
6.Last movie seen in theatres: Siterhood of the Traveling Pants, (don't even laugh, it was a good movie)
7.Last beverage drank: bottle of water
8.Last food consumed: baked Potatoe
9.Last crush: Bk
10.Last phone call: Caitlin
11.Last time showered: This morning
12.Last shoes worn: black shoes for school uniform, blah!!!
13.Last item bought: a bunch of stuff at Industry Source my new favorite place to shop
14.Last annoyance: People getting in my business
15.Last time scolded: a while ago, don't really remember


1.Who are your best friends?: I am lucky... Katie, Shannon, Sahra, Caitlin, and Danny probably are my best freinds forever
2.Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no thankyou


1.Where is your favorite place to shop? Express, Forever 21, Windsor, and American Eagle
2.Any tattoos or piercing?: Belly button, and an industrial in my ear.


1.Do you do drugs? nope
2.What kind of shampoo do you use? Catwalk, Oatmeal and Honey, it smells so good, just ask Shannon, lol
3.What are you most scared of? umm....being a bad person
4.What are you listening to right now? These boots are made for walking (Jessica Simpson is my lebian crush, lol)
5.Where do you want to get married? I have no idea, not even sure I will
6.How many buddies are online? dont' know, I am not online right now
7.What would you change about yourself? umm... I don't know, I try not to think abou that stuff too much, thats just sad


1.Color: yellow for sure
2.Food: ice cream without a doubt
3.Girls Names: I love the name cydney and Taylor
4.Boys Names: Nathan and Michael
5.Subjects: Cosmetology, lol, go figure
6.Animals: all animals pretty much, but I love giraffes
7.Sports: I love to watch college football and going to the games is even better, especially at the big house, gotta love U of M!!!


1.Given anyone a bath? probably when my little sister was a baby
2.Smoked? yes
3.Bungee jumped? no
4.Made yourself throw up? nope, I hate throwing up
5.Skinny-dipped? yea lol
6.Been in love? nope, not yet
7.Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? nope but I have cried cuz I was in trouble and it may have helped, lol
8.Pictured your crush naked? haha, that is a weird question, but yeah
9.Seen your crush naked? Yes, twice, strip rummy is a good game and so is truth or dare when you dare someone to streak
10.Cried when someone died? yea
11.Lied? yeah
12.Fallen for your best friend? yea
13.Been rejected? yes
14.Rejected someone? yes
15.Used someone? I hope not, but probably
16.Done something you regret? I never regret, but I have learned from alot of mistakes thats for sure


1.Clothes? Express Jeans and my pick express tank top
2.Music? Afro Man, Kolt 45, lol
3.Make-up? Cover up and mascara, plus Carmex of course
4.Annoyance? I don't know, a couple things right now
5.Smell? umm... I have alot, but I love Abercrombie Feirce, and Aqua Di Gio
6.Favorite artist? ummm... too many to choose from
7.Desktop picture? Clouds
8.Book you're reading? Just finished one and want to start on The Divinci Code
9.Cd in player? none
10.Dvd in player? Without a Paddle
11.Color of toenails? Pink


1.You touched? I don't know, I hugged my little sister a few minutes ago
2.Hugged? Angie
3.You imed? Shannon
4.You kissed? Tom


1.Understanding? I consider myself pretty understanding
2.Open-minded? Yes very
3.Arrogant? I hope not
4.Insecure? Nope, not at all, take it or leave it, thats what you get
5.Interesting? I hope so
6.Hungry? no
7.Smart? haha yeah, but the blonde in me shows sometimes
8.Moody? I try not to be, but sometimes yes
9.Hardworking? I try
10.Organized? not at all, my biggest downfall for sure
11.Healthy? I try
12.Shy? not at all really, I used to be
13.Attractive? who answerst that about themselves, honestly, lol....
14.Bored easily? yes
15.Responsible? not really
16.Obsessed? nope, although some people think I am, haha
17.Angry? hardly ever, you gotta do something pretty bad to make me angry
18.Sad? hardly ever, same as when I am angry
19.Disapointed? right now, yes, because of alot of things
20.Happy? Always am
21.Hyper? Little bit, I am ready to go out
22.Trusting? Too much in fact
23.Talkative? sometimes
24.Legal? yeah by two years almost, lol


1.Kill? Yikes, creepy, no one
2.Slap? once again, no one
3.Get high with? haha, this question makes me laugh for too many reasons
4.Look like? umm... that is hard, my first choice would be Jessica Simpson, she is practically perfect.
5.Talk to offline? Anyone, I am bored
6.Talk to online? anyone, I am bored
7.Hang out with? everyone, I miss all my freinds


1.In the morning I am: getting ready for school
2.All I need is: my family and freinds
3.Love is: complicated
4.I dream about: nothing that I can remember in the morning


1.Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
2.Flowers or Candy: Flowers
3.Tall or short: Tall
4.Liquor or beer? Liquor for sure


1.What do you notice first: huh?
2.Last person you danced with: probably Sahra or Shannon or something, lol, at my party
3.Worst question to ask me: Did that hurt? (While pointing to my industrial peircing, come on poeple, of course it hurt.... duh)
4.Who makes you laugh the most? Katie for sure
5.Who makes you smile: Too many people to name
6.Who gives you a funny feeling: a good or bad one? I guess its the same person right now, lol, BK
7.Who do you have a crush on: I am just getting over it, but it used to be BK
8.Who has a crush on you: I don't know, who?


1.Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: Yikes, no that is weird
2.Save conversations: haha, no but I know people who do
3.Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: yeah sometimes
4.Wish you were younger: Not really
5.Cry because someone said something to you: yeah, I have, but I don't like letting people see me cry


1.Of times i have had my heart broken: Never, No one has touched my heart enough to break it
2.Of hearts i have broken: I hope none
3.Of girls i've kissed: haha, I am so not answering that question
4.Of guys i've kissed: 7, I think
5.Of continents i have lived in: 1
6.Of tight friends: like 9 or so
7.Of cds i own?: oh man..I don't really know
8.Of scars on body: just a few

Okay you all should comment on the ones you are shocked to find out, or confused about. And then fill it out yourselves also, lol.
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