Dec 13, 2005 21:07
2 down 5 to go... most of ya'll only have 4 grr haha so todays exams were long but pretty easy... i feel really good about geometry and ok about religion... i didnt get to finish religion but w/e haha tomorrow i have biology (uhh i dont think thats going to be easy at all!) and english which should be pretty easy if i go over wordly wise in the morning.. i wrote my essays out so i can study them like word for word lol
i got a lot done at the barn today... i rode suddenly for like an hour and he was ok until i asked him to pick up his left lead then he like spazzed out... its weird b/c he needs more time to the left (like a ton!) and X needs more the the right so its kinda like all around for me haha then i gave sudds a bath b/c it was warm enough lol then i rode X and he was good as always haha then i went to the tack shop with suzanne b/c she needed to get some stuff for tristan lol who by the way had a lesson on tom and she did really good! tristan doesnt think she did but she really can ride haha i only saw a little bit but she looked really good... shes going to be a great rider lol i wish she could get a pony and like take it to the big shows b/c she would do good haha
anyways i guess i better go study some more... if i even do that haha