we'll always be better together♥.

Aug 17, 2005 10:54

yaa so in case you didnt know...
and even though we missed the first flight home and had to
leave at 4am yesterday morning, its safe to say that i am
SO glad to be home. just for anyone who cares, the flight
went by really fast and i basically just listening to music.
i have to admit though, that cape cod wasn't as bad this year.
probably because i met a few friends, in cape cod/myspace/phone.
speaking of which, alexo and bales,whens that sleepover? oh ya,
and i also met someone who i think im in love with. who woulda
thought that we would ever start going out. he is so perfect for
me, its unbelievable. i really feel like i can connect with him
and am COMPLETELY comfortable around him.
i love you andrew<3
so this week is filling up pretty darn fast, i must say. to be
completely honest, i started a calendar right next to my computer
so that i wouldnt make plans with two different people on the
same day which tends to happen to me alot. it might not be the
neatest, or prettiest for that matter, but it works:-)

wednesday: ryan coming over to swim, handyman coming, red sox?
nicole? kellie?

thursday: lisa (need times)


saturday: working at the dream cruise with andrew, sleepover with
alexo and bales? (need to talk)

sunday: coney club?

so ok, im not SO busy yet, but the list will grow, i'm sure. i still
have to call rachel, alex, katie, emily, drew anddddd some others.
oh, and if you were wondering, the handyman is coming to hang up
the new stuff i got for my room! i am soooooooo excited! if you
live by me, you're definately gonna have to come over and see my
work of art. just remembered. im DEFINATELY gonna have to make time
for school shopping. hmm...
ok welllll im off to go unpack and all that fun stuff, so comment if
you love me, and call me if you want to chill with me.:-D

*and there has always been
laughing, crying, birth, and dying
boys and girls with hearts
that take and give and break
and heal and grow and recreate
and raise and nurture
but then hurt from time
to times like these
and times like those
and what will be will be
and so it goes*


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