If you let me have my way, I swear I'll tear you apart

May 20, 2006 15:32

So, this being my last entry ever to livejournal, I decided to go out with a bang. I'm sure this will spark a lot of controversy and bring up unnecessary drama, but i really dont care. So here goes:

For the few of you who already know this story, thank you so much for always being there for me. I'm going to keep this as vague as possible, but those in the know will obviously know who this is concerning. And this is a great big shout out to the person who i hate the most at the moment, the person who i thought would never hurt me, y-o-u. You know, it's morbidly entertaining how this all went down, because everything i feared, all the things that you accused me of being "untrustworthy" of actually happened. First of all let's get the story straight. You lied to me. You have been continously lying to me, whether it's directly to my face or not telling me about things I should know. When we took a break, you yourself said the last thing you wanted us to do was break up, and under no circumstances were we supposed to hook up with anyone else. Even when I talked to you on my birthday, you stated that you didn't hook up with anyone else and you hoped that I wasn't either. However, now you miraciously state that for you it was a "break up" and in late april you "knew you didn't want to get back together with me." And the best part is, you state that "she came onto me," you poor, innocent little child. Lie, lie, lie. Make up your mind and stop attempting to make yourself look better before you stop telling these insane stories. You cheated on me, there is no way around it. The one thing you promised never to do, you just went behind my back and did it. And the best thing is, you're tring to blame this all on me. Besides not being "closee" with your family, I have never done anything to hurt you, and you telling me that I made you miserable just shows everyone else that you are a filthy liar. No one is going to look better on you, everyone knows that you are a lying, cheating asshole. And guess what? You more than fucking deserve it.

And you know what else is funny? I dont even hate her. Because I know this is all your fault. You will lie, cheat, and hurt whoever you want just as long as you get what you want. And the best part is, according to you, nothing is ever your fault. The only thing i regret is that I didn't find out about this earlier, so i wouldnt have wasted 6 years of my life with you. Wow, what a waste that was. You know that feeling of mine that "disgusts" you, the feeling that I am usually plagued with? The hatred that I feel for you right now even scares me; I have never felt this way about anyone before in my life. If you think that I can honestly still be friends with you after all of this, I think you're delusional. The only thing that I want to do is forget about you as soon as possible, not have a nice little lunch where we chat about the "good ol' times."

As much as I know i should be feeling bad about this, I don't. Throughout the years, all of my friends have been constantly telling me that I was too good for you, that you were a complete asshole, but I ignored them. I thought I saw something in you. I thought we were a team, and I thought that I really and truly loved you. But that was all an illusion, because my friends are right. You are a conniving, conceited asshole who I never should have gotten involved with in the first place. So I blame myself for falling for your tricks and going back to you time and time again. But don't worry, this is the end.

So, in conclusion, no I don't want to be your friend, I don't want to go out to lunch with you, and I don't want to hear about how you "still love me." You need to stop messing with my head and face your decision. You made the choice, her or me. And I hope you're satisfied with your decison, because you will NEVER again see me in your life. And, after reading this, I hope you fully grasp what exactly you did and realize what an unbelievable asshole you are. And by the way, don't worry about me. I'll get over it. But you, my dear friend, have lost one of your best friends and girlfriend of about 6 years forever. I hope you're happy now.


ps- i love how you're having sex with her and you said that "i'm not sexual enough." as far as i can remember, i wasnt the one with difficulties. But hey, that's besides the point.
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