(no subject)

Feb 10, 2005 02:52

what is life, how do you measure such a thing? i beleive that life is measured by the ability to change the life of others and the ability to leave a mark or a legacy before ones time runs out. although two lives are very much diffrent they hold the same rudamentary principals, you laugh when you are happy and cry when you are sad. you embody desires and goals and establish a character in which producing a qality of your life.

Some have conquered, others have solved, and many have taught. their quality of life was measured in their performance on life's stage. everyone is given diffrent amounts of time to perform and sometimes they roles they play are predeturmined, but who they depict is the person who they have become. in many cases people switch roles multiple times, becoming very much diffrent from who they once were. rebels become tamed, poor becomes rich, vise versa and many other combonation. still one has to produce their legacy and in most cases they dont generate their lifes work them selves, CEO create companies, senators create laws, and most importantly two significat others creates a life whichever way you look at it, but not alone.

for me i find that s life is one of the hardest things to do, it is finding a puzzle that fits you perfectly one that matches your personality , your ambition, and your creativity. finding the peace can be an ardures task, since there so many peaces and our desire for peaces to fit wich in actuality wont. When faced with multiple failure we try to change ourselves and carve our piece to fit with others and in doing so we compromise our character and become dishonest to ourselves. but when one looks they find that finding a respectable old fashoned women is with a brain is harder to find, maybe its hard with ones eyes closed steering away from harm and dispare one lives a solitary life.
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