☆018-He's planned this trip and to this plan he's going to stick.

Feb 22, 2011 22:20

[This entry is slightly backdated to the morning of February 22nd.]I didn't want to do this immediately after the fact, but it's been nearly a month since Grift's departure and I don't think there's sense in waiting any longer ( Read more... )

☆kagerou, this is a call, ☆ambassador, ☆genius/topher, quicklogging, people go poof, ☆00

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strikeout in 20 seconds weaver_girl February 23 2011, 22:42:07 UTC
Oh. Thank you very much. I'll be over later, then. He didn't say anything about the bar?


same live_ringer February 23 2011, 22:47:45 UTC
I'll see you then. Unfortunately, no. I'm guessing it goes to the care of the most trusted or longest standing employees?

[ooc: I know you have a lot on your plate, plotting-wise. Do you want to quicklog it or would it be more convenient to handwave?]


same weaver_girl February 23 2011, 22:50:55 UTC
All right. I see. Thank you. Then I suppose I am the right person to be in charge, such as I am.

[ooc: Can it wait? Until next week? Would love to, cannot this week. We could backdate?]


same live_ringer February 23 2011, 22:55:47 UTC
In that case, I wish you luck.

[ooc: Waiting until next week and doing something backdated is actually perfect. Let me know whenever you want to do it. o/]


[Quicklog--at Grift's place] live_ringer March 6 2011, 23:08:05 UTC
[While Lyle knew Grift was a materialistic sort of guy, he found himself a little surprised at the amount of things he had managed to accumulate and how long it took to sort it all ( ... )


[Quicklog--at Grift's place] weaver_girl March 7 2011, 19:47:54 UTC
[Kagerou didn't often have cause to detour into Section Four, but if there ever was a good reason then this was it. Grift may have been many things she had not quite understood or perhaps approved of, but she'd worked with him for a long time and he'd always treated her well.

She found the house after a bit of searching, straightened her hair and clothes, and knocked. She knew Lyle only by sight, as one of the long-time presences in the Sphere, and didn't think she'd ever even spoken to him alone. She knocked politely and waited for the door to open.]

Hello. I'm Kagerou, and we spoke on the journals earlier. It's nice to meet you properly. [She held out a hand to be shaken, aware that it seemed more common in the Sphere than the polite bows that came easier to her.]


[Quicklog--at Grift's place] live_ringer March 7 2011, 22:01:29 UTC
[Once he opened the door Lyle gave Kagerou a nod of acknowledgment, then accepted the offered handshake.]

Likewise, Miss Kagerou. [He didn't often bother with titles outside of teasing, but something in the occasion felt like it called for the extra bit of propriety.] I've seen you bustling around the bar, but it's good to have an introduction. Come in.

[He stepped away from the door and gestured towards the living room.] Feel free to have a seat if you'd like. Or you can roam around and look things over at will.


[Quicklog--at Grift's place] weaver_girl March 7 2011, 22:53:59 UTC
[She gave him a small, polite smile.] Just Kagerou, please, if you don't mind. And yes, I remember you, too, but I think I remember most people who've been here as long as I have by now.

[A little gingerly, she stepped inside, took off her coat and laid it carefully over a chair. It was a spacious place, and seemed to show a side of her erstwhile employer she had never seen. She moved with slow steps, as if digesting, or giving herself permission to be here.]

He was your friend, then, right? Since you're taking care of his things. I'm... not really sure I can say the same, but... he made the bar a good place to work.


[Quicklog--at Grift's place] live_ringer March 8 2011, 02:01:19 UTC
Kagerou it is, then.

[Closing the door behind them, Lyle watched as she made her way around; very careful, as if moving too quickly might shatter something, be it an object or something in the mood.]

Yeah, we were friends. [Not necessarily the closest, but the number of visitors seemed to attest to the fact that there weren't many that really qualified as 'close' to Grift.] Drank, chatted, shot at the Range, that sort of thing. [He stuck his hands into his pockets and started meandering around the stacks of stuff.]

The bar was one of those things he seemed to take seriously. [One of the few things.] So it wouldn't really surprise me to know he gave the same sort of consideration to the employees.


[Quicklog--at Grift's place] weaver_girl March 9 2011, 17:29:57 UTC
So would that be Mr. Lyle or just Lyle? Which would you prefer? [She offered him a smile, still not a very merry one, but it reached her eyes this time.]

I suppose that's why it was the first thing I asked about. I sort of hoped he'd left some set of instructions, I don't know. Maybe it doesn't matter. I mean, I don't expect you to tell me, of course.

[She went to the bookshelf and ran her hand thoughtfully across the spines of poetry volumes, wondering that something like poetry and Grift should go together. Maybe it wasn't so strange.]

What did he say about me, then? If you don't mind?


[Quicklog--at Grift's place] live_ringer March 9 2011, 19:10:53 UTC
[He let out a small snort at the question, that somehow danced the line between amused and mirthless.] Just Lyle, thanks. I'm not near old enough to require a 'Mr.'

[One shoulder hitched upward in a shrug.] He said that he wanted the bar to flourish, but not how. To be honest, I was surprised he left any sort of last words to begin with. And from the tone of it, it wasn't something he expected of himself, either.

[Really, it was less instruction and more musing about the state of things in the Sphere and Grift's attitude towards them. The sentiments were frustrated, certainly on the bitter side, and so Lyle curbed the temptation to hand Kagerou the whole letter to just read. A small summary of the relevant points would do.] He said that he sometimes wondered if this wasn't Hell or some sort of twisted afterlife, but if that was the case then he wouldn't have been here with people like you. [He gave her a small, wry smile.] Seemed he thought you were a good person, even if he didn't care about gaining a title like that for himself.


[Quicklog--at Grift's place] weaver_girl March 9 2011, 19:46:15 UTC
I'm... not really sure what I would have expected. I liked him in a way, of course, but I never got the sense that I knew him very well.

[She'd just take a book, she decided. It wouldn't be something inadvertently too personal, and it would have value beyond the fact that it was a remembrance. It wasn't that she didn't want to remember, just that she shouldn't rob someone closer to Grift of a more intimate keepsake.]

I see. Thank you. [Her mouth quirked as she bit her lower lip thoughtfully.] He did good things sometimes, though, but... I'm not really surprised to hear that.


[Quicklog--at Grift's place] live_ringer March 11 2011, 02:20:11 UTC
[He nodded a bit.] I don't think there were many that could say they knew him well. [From what he knew it seemed only Chapel really qualified and he was long gone.]

[One hand moved in a gesture towards Kagerou once she picked out a book.] Found something you fancy?


[Quicklog--at Grift's place] weaver_girl March 12 2011, 17:44:07 UTC
[She ran a hand over the cover of a poetry collection, considering the small, neat book.]

I didn't know he read poems. That's... a bit strange. I say that a lot, don't I?

You're very kind to wait here, though. Did you know him long? I suppose you could have--I mean, you've been here longer than I have, right? And even I'm starting to feel like it's been a long time.


[Quicklog--at Grift's place] live_ringer March 13 2011, 01:03:23 UTC
[A small, wry laugh escaped him.] It's a strange situation, so I don't think it's uncalled for.

[Death in and of itself wasn't strange but the circumstances, and the fact that one could wait for a month without logically resigning themselves to the truth of its permanence, were certainly strange. Throwing poetry into the mix certainly didn't make things any less surreal.]

[The comment on kindness got a shrug.] Kind of feels like the least I could do in light of everything. As for how long I've known him... hard to say. Maybe a year, possibly a few months shy of that. [He cocked his head to the side and regarded her.] How long have you been here?


[Quicklog--at Grift's place] weaver_girl March 14 2011, 23:35:27 UTC
Oh, I'm coming up on a year and a half. [Kagerou tugged the book from the shelf and sat down in a chair, setting the book in her lap, her knees together.] I guess that makes me one of the more long-time residents, really.

[She paused, then glanced up and gave in to the impulse to ask another question, even if it wasn't strictly polite.]

Um. If you don't want to answer, then please, just say so, but... do you think it gets any easier with time? Staying when other people go?


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