☆016-Allow myself no mock defense--step into the night.

Jan 25, 2011 09:02

When the radio flares to life there is the sharp click of flint on steel, then a long inhale followed by an exhale: the distinctive sounds of a smoker lighting up.

Light, scuffling footsteps can be heard in the distance and the lack of an echo gives the impression that this might be happening outdoors. One set of steps, clear and purposeful, begins to set itself apart from the rest as it approaches. It might seem like the individual is passing by until the footfalls stop abruptly, almost expectantly. Giving a barely audible 'mn?' of acknowledgment, the smoker addresses the owner of the footsteps.

"So, you're the one that called me out here."

It is a statement, not a question, and his tone walks the line between guarded and intentionally casual.

"Lyle Dylandy, Katharon member."

While the smoker speaks with an Irish brogue, the second man is somewhat younger and sounds as if he might be from the Middle East. His voice is clipped and intent, but even. Unwavering.

The rustling of clothes and a scraping step on the pavement signify an about face. "You from the Security Department?" 'Lyle' is no longer feigning aloofness, but he doesn't raise his voice when he makes the tense accusation, either. One might get the impression that he is gauging just how deep in it he is.

"I've come for you," the young man is still as calm as ever, though Lyle murmurs a noise that indicates he seems to have little idea what, exactly, he means by that. "My name is," the crackle of static and what sounds like shifting radio stations obscures the name before the transmission clears up again, "a Gundam Meister of Celestial Being."

"Celestial Being..." The phrase is echoed slowly, almost experimentally, as if Lyle does not quite believe what he is hearing.

"And you will become a Gundam Meister as well." That tone is as unflinching as ever and seems to leave little room for argument. "Lyle Dylandy... no, Lockon Stratos."

☆stellaris, ☆genius/topher, ore wa nii-san ja nai!, ☆bastet/yoruichi, ☆00, ☆fred/romana, ☆smoke, ☆veda, ☆target/riza, *memory, setsuna doesn't take no for an answer, let the confusion commence, ☆derrick/castle, e!-radio, ☆cara/krile

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