Having been through every possible permutation of the "gun-play rules" issue, here's where we're at: I don't interfere with my kids' play unless it's breaking a fundamental rule. For example, if a kid is using a toy weapon to hurt someone or something, it gets taken away - there are no second chances on that one. First time someone gets hit, the toy gun/sword/crossbow/doll goes on the shelf. Other than that, I don't interfere. If someone *who is actually playing the game* doesn't like being pretend-shot or pretend-sliced-in-half or whatever, then they must stop; there is no overstepping others' boundaries, but that applies to ALL of their play. If one child doesn't like that his sister's Barbie has a crush on his Bionicle, that stops, too (at least until much discussion works it out one way or the other
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