BSG: The Woman King

Feb 12, 2007 23:42

As of last weekend, we no longer have cable, so I had to wait for this ep to come out on iTunes. Unfortunately, Hubby didn't want to watch it on the small screen, so I lost my viewing buddy. So much for BSG being the only show that he watched with me. Also, it ran like butt on iTunes!

Random thoughts: 
  • They couldn't call the show Mrs. King, because there was no Scarecrow.
  • Still not impressed with the current string of episodes, and unfortunately, a lot of that comes down to production. WTF? This show *can* be awesome, why isn't it?
    • Cut to Saggitarons smudging the room.
    • Cut to Mrs. King looking angsty.
    • Cut to Helo looking angsty.
    • Repeat every 3-5 minutes for the entire frelling show.
  • I am also really, really, REALLY tired of Tigh's whining. "Whah, whah. Look at how much I sacrificed. Look how easy you had it." Shut the frak up, Tigh. You chose to go live on New Caprica, and you got your ass kicked for it. Helo still has two eyes, because he chose to stay on the frakking ship where he took over your frakking job. His wife's still alive, because she wasn't feeding information to the bad guys. I know you're jealous, but get over it already. Or at least stop blaming everyone else. You were trying to drink yourself to death for a while there; could you get back on that, please?
  • Is it Dr. Roberts or Dr. Roberts? Because I heard both. 
  • My favorite scene in the whole show was the one with Helo & Athena, Lee, Starbuck, and Racetrack all walking down the hall together.  This show officially needs More Teamy Goodness.
  • Although, more skin works well, also.
  • "If you notice something suspicious, whatever you do, don't bring it up in a private meeting with only the senior staff present." That was the most discrete way to handle it! WTF was he supposed to do?
  • Head!Gaius yay! Wonder if anyone will realize that both Six and Baltar are talking to and interacting with "no one".
  • I'm starting to think maybe the writers need some marital counseling of their own. Projecting much?

So obviously not my favorite episode ever.

tv, bsg

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