Totally forgot to post about this before!

Dec 29, 2006 17:50

From the November 26 Des Moines Register:

Neighbors' Dreams in Small-Town Iowa
by Mike Kilen

...The skivvies road trip was launched thanks to Robert Dorgan, the director of the nonprofit Institute for Small Town Studies in Fairfield. Dorgan wrote in the institute's journal "fishwrap" that in all of Jefferson County there is only one place to buy underwear--Wal-Mart...

Dorgan has prized quirky economic indicators since working in Europe, where economists used the McDonald's test. If a McDonald's went up, it was a viable marketplace. "It was spot on," he said.

It turns out Dorgan was wrong about Jefferson County's count of underwear retailers. Fairfield, home of a thriving new-age population, has an organic cotton store that sells $15 underwear. ("I forgot about the free-range underwear," Dorgan said...)
Fairfield is also home to Iowa's only green building supply store.


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