Three. Six. Gaius. In bed. Naked. Together.
Obi-Porn Kenobi: I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of geeks squeed out in shock and were suddenly silenced when their heads all exploded.
Suicidal Three was... interesting.
STARBUCK! She's back. She's flying. And standing next to Dad with a gun. And figuring out mysteries. And friends with Tigh. Who got a real eye patch. And then saved Dad after ratting him out.
That was it? The cylons let him go so he could be mad at Adama? Um... HUH? And where is he going now? "You have been dismissed. Now leave so we can forget this ever happened."
No show next week due to Thanksgiving, I guess, but in two weeks... It looks like backstory on the Starbuck/Lee thing (and whatever else happened during the lost year). I just watched the bonus preview on, and OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!! Two more weeks????? AAAAAAA! I can't wait that long! *rewatches* *resumes screaming*